Abstract:Brake line maintenance: when to use compression jo...
Brake line maintenance: when to use compression joints
As many vehicles begin to age, brake line repair is an essential maintenance step. Brake lines are easy to become brittle, rust and leak, which reduces the reliability of the brake system. Exposure to natural elements is the main reason for the degradation of brake cable performance. High and low temperatures and moisture can cause the brake lines to rust or degrade and leak.
Compression fittings can join together parts or parts of steel brake lines to form a seal between the two parts. The pressure through the brake line is very high. Compression fittings usually cannot withstand such high pressures. When the pressure in the brake line exceeds the pressure that the compression fitting can withstand, the fitting will sound and your brake will not work. For this reason, some states have illegally used compression accessories for passenger cars. Therefore, when handling passenger cars, it is recommended to always replace the brake lines, rather than repairing with compression joints. If you work on the brake lines of everyday vehicles, the best way is to replace the brake lines instead of fixing them with compression fittings.

Because the compression fittings on the brake lines are not reliable, it is not recommended to use compression fittings extensively. However, compression fittings can be used in certain situations. If the brake line is to be repaired in a passenger car that is not used for daily road travel and transportation, compression fittings are acceptable brake line repairs. Compression accessories can be used in non-public transportation vehicles, for example, off-road vehicles for recreation, or agricultural vehicles or work trucks that are not used on public roads. Any vehicle that is not driving on public roads and is not driving at high speeds can use compression fittings for brake repairs. If the compression fitting is to be blown towards this type of vehicle, the low speed will allow the driver to roll slowly until it stops.
During temporary maintenance, compression fittings can also be used to repair brake lines. Similarly, compression fittings are only allowed in vehicles that are not used for public transportation. For example, if you are renovating or repairing a car, you can choose to use compression fittings to repair the brake lines. Compression accessories will be a temporary solution that allows you to complete other repairs or work on the vehicle. When repairing or refurbishing a vehicle, you may need to start the vehicle in a closed environment and test the acceleration. In this case, compression fittings can be used as long as the vehicle is used for passenger transportation or the fittings are disassembled and the brake lines are replaced on public roads.